Monday, November 19, 2012


Movies*Discussion*Fashion Show*Surprise Guests*Singing*Party

HOR 29 Novembar has now existed for 3 years: This is not only a reason to celebrate but also an opportunity to discuss the activities of the Hor, to question them, and to better get to know Hor 29 Novembar.

During these three years we have had more than 50 gigs and have made us heard at different locations in Vienna: in the streets, at the university, in the theatre, in the coffeehouse, at markets and in the metro. Thus, our sound has informed culture and politics of this city.

Over two days – November, 29th and 30th – we will show movies, discuss challenges and problems of open collectives with guests, sing, and party. Furthermore, an exclusive fashion show of HORcouture will be presented as well as a songbook including the HOR repertoire.

Surprise guests will enrich the celebrations and DJs Nitkov&Slavooy will offer friendly yurock/balkan/ethnokitch clash..

Furthermore, you will find a donation box for the „Integrationhaus“ providing us with a rehearsal room as an enormous support of the HOR and a second home.

*Programme 29.11. > Movie opening night as part of the celebrations

On November, 29th, we show the Austrian premiere of the documentary"Slovenija moja dezela" (Slovenia, my homeland) by Dimitar Anakiev. The director will be present and, after the screening, Dimitar Anakiev will discuss with Ljubomir Bratic national attempts to extinguish cultural memory.

Afterwards, HOR 29 Novembar will sing some songs as an anticipation of the party on the 30th.

*Programme 30.11. > HOR Party!

At 8 pm, the evening will start with a panel discussion on „Self-Organization in Open Collectives“. Sophie Schasiepen (malmoe) and Mario Lang (Stimmgewitter Augustin) are invited as guests to this debate. We shall exchange experiences and discuss problems and challenges of an open collective, expectations of members, hierarchies, organization, participation etc.

Afterwards, the new documentary on HOR 29 Novembar by the film maker Mira Turba will be presented.

HOR sings a 30 minutes repertoire from "Po sumama i gorama" to "Me sem andar e Austria“ with a very special guest! A second surprise guest will take the floor before our T-Shirts and costumes will be presented in the fashion show HORcouture.

Then: Party with DJ Nitkov, a kraut, supported by DJ Slavooy and dance till the early morning.

Movies*Discussion*Fashion Show*Surprise Guests*Singing*Party
29. and 30. 11.2012, 20:00
LOKATIV, Arnezhoferstr. 12, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Monday, November 12, 2012

BORCI SE BORIJO (predpremiera)

Ta četrtek, 15. 11. 2012 ob 20h, vas vabimo v Infoshop na AngartFilm, kjer se bomo ukvarjali z vrednotenjem bolj zapostavljenih vidikov NOB. Želimo si kritične predstavitve oz. razjasnjevanja pomenov NOB, saj so razvrednoteni zaradi diskurzov, ki v današnjem času zamegljujejo vlogo partizanov v 2. svetovni vojni. Z nami bodo dr. Božo Repe, profesor sodobne zgodovine na FF ter dr. Rajko Muršič, profesor etnologije in kulturne antropologije na FF. Diskusiji bo sledila predpremiera filma doktorja medicine in neodvisnega filmskega režiserja Dimitra Anakijeva, z naslovom Borci se borijo. Večer bo vodil absolvent etnologije in kulturne antropologije Aljoša Dujmić